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Lupulus Cheese Factory

Where to find it?

The cheese is for sale at the Lupulus Shop in Courtil, next to the cheese factory. You can also find it in some stores and supermarkets in the region.


It is also possible to taste it directly at the Lupulus Resto Bar, as an appetizer or in the form of croquettes as a starter. 




Very short supply chain, circular economy

During the production of Lupulus beer, at the end of filtration in the brewhouse, we recover the rest of the malt, which is called spent grain. This dregs is a rich foodstuff that is used in particular in cattle feed. Local farmer Marc Grandjean mixes it into his cows’ rations. Some of the milk produced on the farm is sent to the cheese dairy set up in the former Lupulus brewery in Courtil to produce ‘Grand Lupulus’ cheese. The farm’s proximity to the brewery guarantees a supply of fresh, still-warm milk. This means we don’t have to heat it up at the start of the cheese-making process. As a result, we save energy and recycle our spent grain.  

What’s more, the whey from the cheese-making process (what remains once the curds have been drained) is then sent to the biomethanisation plant on Marc’s farm to generate electricity.   

Today, the cheese dairy has expanded with the arrival of Sébastien, a brewer, followed by Raphaël. They are now in charge of cheese production, under Pierre’s supervision.   

Le Grand Lupulus

Le Grand Lupulus is a semi-cooked cheese made from raw milk, presented in wheels of 4 to 5 kg and 12 kg. The rind is natural and is regularly cared for during aging for a minimum of 4 months in a cellar at a temperature of 12°C. Aging can extend up to a year for large wheels. It can be consumed as an aperitif, sliced,...
